The log Church has been constructed, and is ready to be transported to Norway. The log Church was donated to the Monastery by the family Chirila-Popescu in Buharest, Romania. It will cost 125.000 NOK in import taxes and 50.000 NOK for transportation to the Monastery. If we can raise these funds, the Church will be set up on the plot, "MARIA'S", on Syltefjellet, above the petrified snake of Saint Olav. We are grateful for any amount you are able to give toward this purpose. You may send your donation directly to our bank account,
Kloster Av De Hellige Kong Olav og Profet Elias
Account number: 391049 88818
ΙΒΑΝ: ΝΟ4239104988818
Sparebanken Møre
Postboks 121
N-6001 Ålesund
Τel. 0047 70113000
Vipps: +47 40387683 Abbess Thavoria / Irenaea Gillebo